Banker Jordi Roselló discusses the different legal and social standards for tourists and locals under Franco.
EN: The thing is that, since they were foreigners, you don’t assimilate. These are the foreigners, us here from the country are different. There was that tag line, “Spain is different”, and in a way we had accepted it. One thing were the French, English or North-American and the other were the Spaniards, we were a different kind. No, it was a law. Evidently, tourism meant, for us, a new point of view. That people had other traditions, more freedom. And among them, the freedom to dress. The miniskirt, the bikini, it was all an outrage. But we need to understand that one thing was the foreigners and the other the locals. If a French-woman, an English-woman, a Swedish-woman wears a miniskirt, it’s just a Swedish-woman. But the locals had to be different. Yes, it was by law. I remember going with some friends to the beach to do top less and the ‘Guardia Civil’ would come and make them cover themselves.
ES: Lo que pasa que, como eran extranjeros, no lo asimilas. Bueno, estos son los extranjeros, los de aquí del país somos diferentes. Y habia la coletilla aquella de “Spain is different”, España es diferente, y de alguna forma lo teníamos un poco como asumido. Que una cosa eran los franceses, ingleses o norte-americanos, y otra cosa eramos los españoles, que eramos a parte. No, era por ley. Evidentemente, el turismo representó, para los del país, una prespectiva nueva. Que la gente tenia otras costumbres, más libertad, y entre ellas, el vestir. La minifalda, el bikini, era todo un escandalo. A pesar que tenemos que entender que una cosa eran los extranjeros y otra cosa eran los del país. Que una francesa, una inglesa, una sueca, vaya con minifalda, es una sueca, pero los del país tenian que ser diferentes. Y sí que era por ley. Yo recuerdo ir a la playa con las amigas y tal a hacer toplest [sic] y venir la guardia civil y obligar-les a cubrir-se.