Alexis Plaza explains to the Catalunya Barcelona team why FC Barcelona has such global appeal.
EN: FC Barcelona gained popularity with Leo Messi. I dare to say we’ve had one of the best football players. We could talk about Ronaldo, Romario, Rivaldo and Ronaldinyo, but it was not until Leo Messi signed up that FC Barcelona became so popular. We could compare him to Babe Ruth, from the States. He has broken all the records, he’s in everyone’s lips and every team would like to have him. But let’s not forget that Barça advertised Unicef free of charge. And on top of that, the team paid for it! Since then, Barça has been seen as a sympathetic team.
CAT: Jo crec que realment, la popularitat ve arrel d’un jugador, que es diu Leo Messi. Hem tingut al Barça, m’atreveixo a dir que hem tingut els millors jugadors del món. Podriem parlar de Ronaldo, de Romario, de Rivaldo, de Rodaldinyo però va ser fins quan va arribar Leo Messi, el podriem comparar doncs al Babe Ruth d’Estats Units. Un jugador que ha trencat tots els rècords, que tothom parla d’ell, que a tothom li agradaria tenir-lo. I ha ficat al Barça arreu del món. També, no ens oblidem, de que el Barça durant molts anys va portar en la samarreta el logotip d’Unicef solidariament, sense cobrar res. Pagant, a sobre posant diners. També això va fer que al Barça se’l veiés com un club mundialment solidari i un club que fa el bé per l’esport.