Enric Cobo discusses the political complexities surrounding the 1888 Exposition.
Well, the 1888 Barcelona Universal Exposition is a historical milestone. It’s an event that catapults Barcelona to the world stage. It’s important to point out that universal expositions began in 1850, in London. Next came Paris, Amberes, Philadelphia, I think…and then Barcelona in 1888. It’s an attempt to present great events and scientific discoveries to the world. The most acknowledged innovation is the introduction of electricity to urban society, and economic life. Hence the lighting of Montjuïc’s Magic Fountain. It was an Exposition that brought to Barcelona around 400,000 people. However, the means of transit and communication were far from perfect. They were confusing, and impacted Attendees’ movements. Incidentally, the Exposition occurred just as a period of social strife was ending. The triennium during the 1860s, a liberal revolution put a strain on the monarchical system. The liberal system was at odds with the more conservative policies. Ten years after this important confrontation, the 1888 Exposition was held. It served as a meeting point for the conservative and constitutional monarchists. The monarchs wished to rally around the more conservative Catalans. They encountered a Catalan bourgeoisie which wished to project an international vision of Barcelona. The constitutional monarchs, indirectly, leveraged this, offering their support to Catalunya. So this was at the root of the huge debate over what was on display. One one side, the devotion to technological innovation. Public figures from around the world gathered. Barcelona was promoted. And, in exchange, an agreement was reached with a constitutional monarchy that, a few years earlier, had been a tough adversary, seeking reprisals against this more liberal Catalunya, with its social demands and policies. There was controversy in that. On the one hand, we are getting beyond a period of intense tension with the state and monarchy. With the exhibition, there is an attempt at reconciliation. Yet there remains a population segment that does not recognize this alliance, that seeks to undermine it, that doesn’t support the holding of the exhibition. But, over time, with the passage of 100 years, this exhibition is viewed as a huge success, affording Barcelona international awareness, providing the city the opportunity to unveil and demonstrate the proper use of electricity.